Monday, December 27, 2010

Introduction to the Mathematics for Computer Graphics

John A. Vince, "Introduction to the Mathematics for Computer Graphics"
Sp r inger | 2010 | ISBN: 1849960224 | 304 pages | PDF | 1,5 MB

1.3 Who Should Read This Book?
I have written this book as a reference for anyone intending to study computer
graphics, computer animation, computer games or virtual reality, especially for
people who want to understand the technical aspects. Although it is possible to
study these topics without requiring the support of mathematics, increasingly, there
are situations and projects that require animators, programmers and technical directors
to resort to mathematics to resolve unforeseen technical problems. This may be
in the form of a script or an extra piece of program code.

1.4 Aims and Objectives of This Book
One of the aims of this book is to bring together a range of useful mathematical
topics that are relevant to computer graphics. And the real objective is to provide
programmers and animators with an understanding of mathematics so that they can
solve all sorts of problems with confidence.
I have attempted to do this by exploring a range of mathematical topics without
intimidating the reader with mathematical symbols and abstract ideas. Hopefully, I
will be able to explain each topic in a simple and practical manner, with a variety of
practical examples.
This is far from an exhaustive study of the mathematics associated with computer
graphics. Each chapter introduces the reader to a new topic, and should leave the
reader confident and capable of studying more advanced books.

1.5 Assumptions Made in This Book
I suppose that I do expect that readers will have some understanding of arithmetic
and the general knowledge of the principles of mathematics, such as the ideas of
algebra. But, apart from that, each subject will be introduced as though it were the
first time it had been discovered.
In the chapter on curves and surfaces I have used a little calculus. Readers who
have not studied this subject should not be concerned about missing some vital piece
of information. I only included it to keep the explanation complete.

1.6 How to Use This Book
I would advise starting at the beginning and proceeding chapter by chapter. Where
a subject seems familiar, just jump ahead until a challenge is discovered. Once you
have read the book, keep it handy so that you can refer to it when the occasion arises.
Although I have tried to maintain a sequence to the mathematical ideas, so that
one idea leads to another, in some cases this has proved impossible. For example,
determinants are referred to in the chapter on vectors, but they are described in detail
in the next chapter on transforms. Similarly, the later chapter on analytic geometry
contains some basic ideas of geometry, but its position was dictated by its use of
vectors. Consequently, on some occasions, the reader will have to move between
chapters to read about related topics.

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